Galaxias Solutions



Life cycle management




Galaxias Solutions is an established partner to help you make transitions of any kind that have impact on 'quality'.

Transitions in your business processes and the aligned quality processes must happen via a sustainable development. Galaxias Solutions provides proven governance to do this, with full participation of all actors and stakeholders to consider all aspects, visions and perceptions or beliefs. The aim is to provide a basis and long-term perspective on quality in widest sense. At the other hand, any burden or nuisance must be avoided whilst keeping the implementation practical. This is simple, easy, fast and light weight. Moreover, it most cover the whole process in scope, not only steps or details in one particular domain or system or process, at one level or for one actor.

Galaxias Solutions has as well technical people to help you migrate any data from current sources (paper - via OCR for instance, any electronic data source (see Galaxias interfaces), other quality management systems (including in-house developed ones). Key for historical data is to be able to import any history without too many side effects. Please contact our sales team for more information.

Galaxias Solutions

which supports
your processes