Who's Our team?
Galaxias Solutions is growing fast. The core team consists of:
- the management and sales team: Cédric and Hans
- the operations team: a little group of highly motivated polyvalent and senior folks who run
the helpdesk, analyse and test the production environment and new release, and some developers
for new functionality
- the consultants: additional freelancers who work on specific missions or domains, such as
auditing, training, billing and accounting, marketing, events and logistics.
Our complete team really exists thanks to these 3 types of resources who back us fully.
Each subteam is growing fast via input from our stakeholders and customers, in the form of:
- own capital: from the founders
- crowd-funding: family, friends, our expanding group of customers (paying)
- venture capital and banks
We recruit at regular times to be able to cope with the fast paced growth from the market demand
and the technological evolutions.